The 3rd installment of our "Werner Herzog Eats-The-World" short film series, in which I portray the slightly eccentric and perhaps utterly bizarre German film director Werner Herzog (GRIZZLY MAN, ENCOUNTERS AT THE END OF THE WORLD), has premiered on the front page of FunnyOrDie.COM.
"Speed Dating With Werner Herzog (And Special Guest, Björk)" was filmed last November in Los Angeles on a small budget, and like its two predecessors concerns the adventures of a fictionalized younger incarnation of the award winning filmmaker, based on events and quotations taken from his real life. We follow Werner once again on a search for epic discovery, this time toinvestigate the current manifestation of man's quest for love". Fitting that the short had it's FOD featured debut on Valentine's Day.
Also available on YOUTUBE as of yesterday.
Thanks go to Josh Simpson and the FunnyOrDie staff, director/co-writer John Webb, producer Garth Mueller, and the entire cast & crew, without whom this film would not have been possible.
Please click on / vote "Funny" if you liked it.
Additional Note:
An extended cut of the episode is now up at director John Webb's Youtube account. It's about three minutes longer than the version that debuted on FunnyOrDie & shows off more of the excellent improvisational talents of the actors who portrayed Werner's ill-matched speed dating companions, as well as Heather Anne Campbell's inspired take as Bjork--a vivid portrayal that she recreates here, having originally brought it to life quite memorably as a member of the Groundlings Sunday Company. To all the actors who made room in their schedules in order to lend their talents to the film (and on short notice), I owe a considerable amount of gratitude. Their names and those of the whole cast & crew can be found just below the video player on this FunnyOrDie page.
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