
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Further Jared Whitham Media Coverage

It seems that a few other news outlets will be picking up the coverage of Jared Whitham's 24-Hour A Day Marathon on New York Television until June (as I blogged about in my last post). There is now another posting on the VICE Magazine website blog featuring some of Jared's videos (scroll down to the bottom to see he & I in a segment from 2005 where Jared explains the concept of the New York based Late-Night Kids Talk Show). I have received word that Jared has been interviewed by at least one major news outlet and I'll certainly post a link to that interview as soon as it is released. Until then, here are some out-takes of a film I did with Jared back in 1999 (the film itself was released on video but is out of print and not available online. Perhaps that will change, but here is a brief look at the world of the low-budget Sci-Fi Art Film dreamed up by Jared when he was still in High School in Florida:

Project Omicron Outtakes. from Willmaierica on Vimeo.

(link to same clip on Youtube).

Other than that, congratulations to Bob Derosa on cameras rolling on his new film with Ashton Kutcher, and to Carl King on his ongoing creative efforts. Also looking forward to the release of the new Star Trek film on May 8. Stay tuned for moar.


1 comment:

Claire said...

those outtakes are SUBLIME, I tell you, SUBLIME.

and my w.v. is 'omaceman' which seems fitting.